Sunday, May 11, 2008

Malgudi Days - TV series

R.K. Narayan's Malgudi Days- is one of my all time favorite story collection. and If its your favorite too.. then you might remember DD(indian national Televesion channel) TV series Malgudi Days. althou I was too young to remember but I manage to saw some in later days. But now thanks to technology I had opportunity to see the whole series(along with some of the other DD classics).

Complete Episode Playlist

Malgudi Days is the classic collection of short stories by R.K.Narayan is set in the small Indian town of Malgudi which is inhabited by timeless characters who could be living anywhere in the world. This TV series contains poignant short stories which also depict interesting anecdotes from the life of those who lives in Malgudi.


petitestylo said...

i remember the title song so very much!!!!!

DD days gave a couple on impressive programs compared to all chaos on satellite tv

mystic rose said...

Malgudi days is among my favorite stories. It was refreshingly innocent, simple and went straight to the heart. I missed the DD plays too. Probably will look around for them.