I got to watch Dasvidaniya(hindi movie) recently. Like most other hindi movie- its not a fresh idea('inspired' by bucket list) without any twisted tale(one screen in particular 'inspired' from love actually). Its a situational bitter-sweet comedy story about a shy,lonely,boring 37yr old bachelor with middle-class existence and without any motivation to change daily life or meaningless lifestyle until the day he finds only 3month of life is left-in him.
Facing prospect of dying without enjoying life, he decides to make list of things-to-do-before-dying. He settles score with boss and embarks on journey to fulfill his bucket list-- foriegn trip, meeting childhood friend, confessing love to first and only crush, guitar, buying a car,..
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Movie Review: Dasvidaniya
Friday, January 02, 2009
after New Year's Eve fun night, I decided to take a New Year's 1st day at ease reading through some stuff and browse some good videos. so landed on Bill Clinton's speech at 2006 UK Labour Party Conference(below). I thought, I will begin new year blog by the sharing this speech.
Although I am not always aligned with Blair's & Clinton's Policies but I do consider them among few smartest & decent politicians in the world and ofcourse very good speakers. What particularly impressive about this speech is that he was talking about human-geno project's finding which highlights how little different we humans are even with so much diversity in our race, religion,.. yet all(including western society) focus on 0.1% difference and ignoring 99.9% similarities we share.
If we were the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most wealthy, the most powerful person - and then found all of a sudden that we were alone on the planet, it wouldn't amount to a hill of beans...
Ubuntu means I am because you are.
very impressive speech & content.
would strongly recommend especially last 10mins of the speech.